" I-I hardly know sir just as a present- at least I know who I was when I got up this morning, but I think I must have changed several times since then."
This final project was challenging to make but worth it in the end. I was having a lot of trouble getting the right camera, so I ended up having to use my phone for most of the video. But it was fun to record the things that happen in life, and it was really funny to notice how dramatic I am. When I originally started this project, I really wanted to make one of those aesthetically pleasing type of videos, but honestly, I think it was nice to record life as natural as it comes without making it look like it's picture perfect. I feel like we kind of get lost in the idea that life should look a certain way. Which kind of relates to the quote, how quickly things can shape who we are and how we perceive ourselves. Which ultimately changes the things what we want out of life. The day we decided to edit it took us at least 6 hours to make the video how we wanted it to look, which was a very long and tedious process, but it was fun to zone in and create a video.
I love how the video came out and the way you were able to express your feelings throughout the video.